State Forex Investment Co



Sovereign wealth fund continues seeking foreign fund managers

China Investment Corporate Ltd, the government investment fund, is keeping contacts with foreign fund managers to gain profitable returns in overseas markets.

Wealth fund hiring foreign money managers

China Investment Corp is hiring foreign fund managers to invest in hedge funds and private equity as well as in traditional assets.

Comments & Analysis

Getting the most out of forex reserves

A stock-centered investment portfolio is much more rewarding than a bond-centered one for the nation's huge forex reserve.


Forex reserves not invested in US subprime securities

None of the country's $1.33 trillion foreign exchange reserves is invested in US subprime mortgage-backed securities, a top official from the foreign reserve administration said.


Dollar assets key part of China's reserves: Central bank

Dollar assets form an important part of China's foreign exchange reserves, the central bank said amid concerns over Chinese dumping of dollar holdings.


Special T-bonds



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