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Shanghai a haven for investment

Updated: 2013-11-06 23:50
By Matt Hodges in Shanghai ( China Daily)

Foreigners chose Shanghai's cosmopolitan culture as their third-favorite choice (a median 10.6 percent), followed by "lots of fun things to do" (a median 9.1 percent). Expats put high-quality education in fourth place, while visiting foreigners preferred the city's urban construction.

"Job opportunities would be my No 2, but the reason I'm staying here is because of all the fun things to do," said Russ Clarke, an Australian who works in the IT industry.

Barrett, the financial adviser, agreed: "I think the cosmopolitan culture is really a strong one. No matter what job I was doing, I'd still love to live here."

When asked what they saw as the city's signature cuisine, most Shanghai residents said xiaolongbao, steamed buns, while foreigners put hairy crab first, followed by fermented bean curd.

"Hairy crab's good but too rich-tasting. I agree that xiaolongbao is the best Shanghai food. It tastes good," said Kyle Shapiro, of Toronto.

Yu Garden slightly edged The Bund as foreigners' favorite scenic spot, while Qipu Road, a sprawling outdoor market known for its cheap clothing, was almost everyone's top shopping spot.

The only Chinese who disagreed were Shanghai locals. They picked Nanjing Road, known for its luxury stores and designer boutiques.

"Qipu Road wins because it's so big that I can still get lost every time I go there," said New Yorker Nick Perkins, who is studying business here. "It's a good place to go if you don't want to blow a lot of cash."

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