Time for more honesty in the real estate market

When I started my apartment hunting in Beijing last year, my agent at a top Chinese real estate brokerage with a transaction value of 700 billion yuan ($108 billion) in 2015, soon equipped me with an effective weapon - a friend of his, who pretended to be another potential buyer.

Online platforms jump on the Go bandwagon

The recent win of Google Inc's artificial intelligence program AlphaGo over South Korea's Lee Sel-do, one of the world's best Go players, has reignited my enthusiasm over the ancient Chinese board game. It also makes me recall how I first fell in love with it.

It is time to tackle growing packaging waste problem

The express packaging waste problem requires both careful analysis and an effective solution.

Make wind power pledges more than hot air

At the end of last year, wind power accounted for merely 3 percent of the country's electricity generation capacity.

Jiangxi discovers way ahead for tourism sector

The focus should be on upgrading and developing tourist attractions and services of world influence but with strong and unique Chinese characteristics.

Sour grapes + spirited e-commerce = sweet profit

China could see more startups focused on wine culture promotion, wine-related education, media and events, wine tourism, even innovative technology.

New tax policy regulates cross-border e-commerce

The implementation of the new tax system, which will come into effect on April 8, will offer cross-border businesses as well as traditional retailers a more fair competition mechanism.

Bank card users must remain vigilant to threats

Reports on bank card skimming in recent years have become a major public concern. And this latest scam highlights the security failings and defects in classic payment systems.

Ongoing passion for fitness offers healthy returns to startups

More and more people buy into the idea with their bulging wallets and rising health awareness, and a momentum is building up in the development of keep-fit business, creating wealth opportunities for those who see the potential

Running an Airbnb business is harder than it looks

Thanks to the internet-enabled sharing economy, which allows one who has idle assets to make use of them via the peer-to-peer model, it is officially the era of "what is mine is yours" in China, or at least in major cities of the country.

