China Economy by Numbers

Editor's Note: China Economy by Numbers is a monthly feature covering macro economy statistics in China. It includes statistics from authorities, in-house graphics and comments from experts, showing a clear picture of China's economic growth.

China Economy by Numbers


China's consumer price index (CPI), a major gauge to measure inflation, rose by a 22-month high of 3.5 percent in August from one year earlier. Property prices in the nation's 70 major cities grew by 9.3 percent in August.

China Economy by NumbersJULY ISSUE

China's fiscal revenue totaled 5.11 trillion yuan ($750 billion) in the first seven months, up 25.7 percent from a year earlier. In July alone, the fiscal revenue rose 16.2 percent from a year earlier.

China Economy by NumbersJUNE ISSUE

In the first half of this year, the per capita income of urban households totalled 10,699 yuan ($1,579.40) and of which, the disposable income was 9,757 yuan, up 10.2 percent year-on-year, or a real growth of 7.5 percent after deducting price factors.

China Economy by NumbersMAY ISSUE

China's consumer price index (CPI) rose 3.1 percent year-on-year in May. The figure was up 0.3 percentage points from April's rise of 2.8 percent. It also surpassed the central government's targeted 3 percent annual inflation limit.

China Economy by NumbersAPRIL ISSUE

China posted a trade surplus of $1.68 billion in April, down 87 percent from a year earlier. China's exports in April totaled $119.92 billion, up 30.5 percent from a year ago. While imports reached $118.24 billion, up 49.7 percent year-on-year.

China Economy by NumbersMARCH ISSUE

China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 11.9 percent year on year in the first quarter to 8.06 trillion yuan ($1.19 trillion). The increase is 5.7 percentage points higher than the same period last year.

China Economy by NumbersFEBRUARY ISSUE

Chinese banks issued 700.1 billion yuan ($102.6 billion) in new yuan-denominated loans in February, down 34.67 percent from 1,070 billion yuan a year earlier and almost by half from January's 1.39 trillion yuan.

China Economy by NumbersJANUARY ISSUE

China's trade surplus contracted 63.8 percent year on year to $14.16 billion in January. Exports stood at $109.47 billion, up 21 percent from a year earlier, while imports rose 85.5 percent to $95.31 billion.
