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Curbs on financing property companies 'may be eased'

Updated: 2013-09-17 15:06
By Zheng Yangpeng (

Restrictions on financing real estate enterprises are likely to be relaxed, China Securities Jounnal reported on Tuesday.

The easing on restrictions follows authorities submitting the real estate investment trust (REIT) policy proposal to related departments.

The policy is expected to be implemented along with the long-term real estate regulation mechanism.

REITs is a trust fund that is managed by specialized investment organizations. It collects capital from specific investors by means of releasing income certificates and then distributes funds to invest.

Relevant departments are designing long-term real-estate financing mechanisms to enhance it.

As an important means of securing and standardizing real estate financing, REIT is favored by many experts. In 2009, Tianjin, Shanghai and other cities in China began to implement pilots programs in this field.

Nie Meisheng, former chairman of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, said that current policy is still in the preparation stage, during which the specific role of government and the market will be formed. In the designing of long term regulation mechanism, related financing policy will become clear.
