No sign of jading in this lucrative living
Located in the southern end of Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture, the county-level city of Ruili shares a 170-kilometer border with the Kachin and Shan states of Myanmar.
As early as 1990, raw stones of Myanmar jade were selling very cheaply. Many people from other provinces, who shared similar family backgrounds with Ke, rushed to Yunnan to make their fortune in the new business. Currently, about 90 percent of jade traders and sculptors in Ruili are from Fujian, Guangdong and Henan provinces.
Ruili was one of the most desirable places in the frontier province because of its proximity to Kachin and Shan. The nearest jade mine was just 164 km away, across the border in Lashio, capital of Shan state.
Ruili has also enjoyed huge benefits from its status as the only legal land route for importing Myanmar jade and gems into China, according to officials in Ruili.
He Tao, general manager of Jade's Jia Co Ltd, says many of the jade businessmen haven't had professional education and sometimes pay dearly if they misjudge the value of a stone.
Things have changed a lot over the years. About 10 years ago, He had to "build a close friendship" with the storekeepers in the warehouses to get firsthand information about stones on their shelves. Now stricter regulation makes transactions easier for jade traders in Ruili, He says.
The new jade street houses almost 90 percent of traders, who founded the Ruili Gem and Jade Association to coordinate more than 2,000 member factories and shops. Many traders decided to do what Ke did and settle permanently in Ruili.
In the Jiegao Jade and Gemstone Market, hundreds of sellers open their doors at about 9 am to embrace the crowds of buyers. Anyone interested in jade stones will find some to fit their needs. Prices range from several hundred yuan to more than a million yuan.
Non-professional buyers and tourists will find cheaper products, with some bracelets going for only 300 yuan. However, to the surprise of newcomers, all the shops are closed from midday until the early evening.
"The biggest advantage for Ruili is the steady supply of jade and gems from Myanmar," says Ke.