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Wuzhong to develop Halal industry

Updated: 2013-03-15 16:36
By Song Jingli (

That's the advantage of the city of Wuzhong.

According to the planning of the autonomous region, Wuzhong will build the national base for the Halal industry, including a manufacturing base, a research and development base and a logistics base.

We have gained some support from the government of the autonomous region, including preferential policies concerning land, loans, fiscal expenditure, taxation and environmental protection.

We are taking efforts to ask the central government for some favorable polices. We hope we can make the Halal industry prosper within three to five years or even longer so that we can keep exporting our Halal foods and Muslim goods to Arabic countries.

We have done something already. Firstly, we have planned the Halal industry in an all-round way. Development without planning is blind and unscientific.

Secondly, we have attracted some university graduates majoring in the food industry.

Thirdly, we are collecting suggestions on standards for the Halal industry from all walks of life. We need to come up with standards that are acceptable by world Muslims, not only Chinese Muslims.

The tastes of Muslims living in the Middle East might have been Europeanized and Americanized. When we are making Halal food such as beef products for Arabic countries, we can not follow the standards of Chinese Muslims, or Muslims in Ningxia, we need to follow theirs.

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