Business / Indepth

Analysis of March PMI

[2013-04-02 15:47]

The PMI of the manufacturing sector was 50.9 percent in March 2013, 0.8 percent higher than last month, consecutively staying above 50 percent for 6 months.

Recoveries in profit growth of industrial sectors

[2013-03-29 15:31]

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the profit growth of enterprises above designated size has continued the upward trend seen in the fourth quarter of last year.

Spring Festival drives up CPI in Feb

[2013-03-22 13:48]

According to data from the China National Bureau of Statistics of China (CNBSC), the CPI in February increased 1.1 percent compare to January, a 3.2 percent growth year on year.

Outbound M&A activity mounts up

[2013-03-11 09:18]

The value of outbound M&As by Chinese mainland companies grew on an annual basis by 54 percent to reach a new record high of $65.2 billion in 2012.

Growth, equality new drivers for investment

[2013-03-06 11:07]

Making predictions is always a hazardous game, particularly on matters that relate to the economic health of a nation, considering that there are many hidden bumps.

Reducing income inequality an urgent task

[2013-03-04 13:57]

The growing income inequality in China will be in focus at the annual sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Feng Shui Index provides option

[2013-02-07 10:10]

Prediction is as hard as it gets. Most people, however competent they are in the present, have little clue when it comes to the future.

Only healthy urbanization is sustainable

[2013-01-29 19:12]

The housing market rebounded in first-tier cities in China, but not in second and third-tier cities, indicating that the bubble is one step closer to bursting.

How long will the stock rally last?

[2013-01-28 14:36]

As one investor mused in his blog: Are we really seeing the return of a bull market or is it just a mirage?

Changing trade structure

[2013-01-28 13:34]

China's new leadership will introduce new round of economic reforms and promote policies to boost imports.

The bane of domestic consumption

[2013-01-28 13:33]

The low percentage of household spending out of income is explained by a continuing desire to save for unexpected events that are not covered in other ways.

Does FDI provide spoils, or does it just spoil?

[2013-01-28 11:04]

Since China's strategy of going global began in the late 1990s, its foreign direct investment has increased rapidly, attracting considerable attention from policymakers, academics and the public.

Good set of numbers disproves doubters

[2013-01-28 11:00]

When it comes to the Chinese economy, it seems that there are none so blind as they who will not see. For once again, hard facts last year got the better of those who are forever predicting doom.

Focus on energy efficiency

[2013-01-25 14:40]

There are a number of factors that would exacerbate the heat loss if a similar heating system was introduced in South China.

Dividends from reform

[2013-01-21 13:21]

Transparent and independent information disclosure system is necessary to improve market and reduce 'equality debt' in China's economy.

Daylight in China's gloomy PE sector

[2013-01-21 09:49]

While the sector made red-hot gains in 2010, that tide has since crested. Over the next few years, we will see among the companies in this sector just exactly who will be swimming naked.

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