Business / New Products

Hope of breeze

( Updated: 2012-11-16 14:36

The wind chimes and the subtle music they play, on a spiritual level, are supposed to keep negativity away and increase the good vibrations.
A bunch of designers have upped their karmic good by designing a lamp based on the principles of the chimes. The only difference is that the wind movement causes the lamp to harness energy to power the lamp rather than sound the soothing "clinks".
The HOPE OF BREEZE is a light driven by the wind energy. Its configuration is just like a traditional Japanese windbell (furin).
When it comes the breeze, THE HOPE OF BREEZE will cut magnetic induction lines and create electricity for the LED to be lighten up with the soft light in a tranquil and romantic mood.
The LED board in the bottom is not only a cattior of the wind, but also a wishing board with the touch technology enables people to write down hopes and bless.
Designers: Chen Yan Zhuang, Zhou Li, Peng Qixuan, Liu Huan-jung, Ke Qi Ling & Zhong Zhida
Hope of breeze

Hope of breeze


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