Business / Tax reform

China taxation reforms to boost industrial upgrading

[2012-10-22 09:40]

Chinese Vice-Premier Li Keqiang has urged more taxation reforms and structural tax cuts to boost industrial upgrading and the transformation of the economic growth pattern.

China expands value-added tax reform

[2012-10-02 09:49]

China's top taxation watchdog on Monday said that two more provinces are ready to pilot a reform of replacing turnover tax with value-added tax.

China to review anti-dumping measures on BPA imports

[2012-08-29 15:30]

China will launch a review of existing anti-dumping measures on Bisphenol-A imported from Japan, Singapore, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan from Thursday.

Details set for VAT reform in Guangdong

[2012-08-29 14:49]

A pilot program to replace business tax with value-added tax in certain sectors to avoid double taxation will be launched in Guangdong province in Nov 1.

Innovation in VAT 'boosts service sector'

[2012-08-20 09:40]

Expanding reform of value-added tax will help boost China's service sector and change its position as the "world's factory", experts and officials said.

Taxing times for China's tax reformers

[2012-08-20 09:02]

Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.
Innovation in VAT 'boosts service sector'

Transform industrial structure with tax reform

[2012-07-26 21:33]

Half a year ago, Shanghai piloted a tax reform in the transportation and modern services sectors, replacing their business tax with value-added tax.

VAT reform expansion to be launched first in Beijing

[2012-07-26 17:36]

Beijing may take the lead in the expansion of China's value-added tax pilot program by launching its VAT reform on Sept 1, a person close to the policymaking process said on Thursday.

VAT pilot program to expand

[2012-07-26 10:47]

The State Council on Wednesday approved a plan to extend a value-added tax pilot program in Shanghai to eight provincial-level regions.

Tax reform aid subject to corporate tax

[2012-07-25 15:46]

Financial aid that companies receive as a result of the country's reforms to its value-added tax will be subject to corporate income tax.

Beijing set for tax reform test

[2012-05-29 14:39]

Beijing will soon start a pilot program to replace turnover tax with value-added tax to accelerate structural adjustments in the economy, a statement from the local tax office said.

Non-tax revenue drives up fiscal growth

[2012-05-28 13:30]

China's government revenue is maintaining a relatively high growth speed despite, with non-tax collections becoming the main driver.

Income tax on families would be fairer

[2012-04-20 15:33]

China's personal income tax has become a hot topic of discussion, as despite people's rising wages, inflation means people have less purchasing power.

China's import tax adjustment comes into effect

[2012-04-16 14:46]

China's adjusted tax on inward goods comes into effect on Sunday, which means stricter control on goods coming into the Chinese mainland.

Further structural tax cuts

[2012-04-10 13:54]

China will continue embracing structural tax reduction measures this year as part of its macroeconomic regulations aimed at promoting the steady and sustainable development of the national economy.

Fairer income tax

[2012-03-29 08:06]

The central authority is proposing to initiate a networked database of personal information as a move toward collecting income tax on a household basis.

Beijing researching property tax

[2012-03-27 21:16]

Authorities in Beijing are conducting "basic research" into a property tax for the city, a local housing official has said.

China to further reform fiscal-tax systems

[2012-03-19 09:30]

Finance Minister Xie Xuren said China will further deepen the reforms to its fiscal and tax systems to enhance transparency of fiscal budgets and improve tax policies.

Tax cuts for small firms urged

[2012-03-12 18:54]

Small companies should be given tax breaks in order to expand their business, said Li Jinzhu, vice-governor of Shaanxi province, on Monday.

Import taxes 'will be cut' this year

[2012-03-07 08:03]

Move to help boost domestic consumption, top official says

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