Business / Technology

Tech giants place emphasis on the Internet of Things

By Ma Si (China Daily) Updated: 2015-12-18 08:01

"We are striving to build a nationwide cold storage chain and distribution network by the end of next year and hope to deliver fresh produce using drones. Price inequality has increased poverty in many rural areas. Farmers cannot sell their products due to the weak delivery chain. Solving these problems will help eradicate poverty in rural areas and address food security issues in urban regions."

- Liu Qiangdong, founder and CEO of, a leading online retailer

"Safety is the most important aspect for Internet cars, unlike entertainment or mobile games. What we need is strong manufacturing capability, rather than just networking technologies. More than 100 companies with some Internet background are working on Internet cars. But I am not sure whether they will ever be produced or used on roads."

- Terry Gou, president of Hon Hai Precision Industry and CEO of Foxconn

"China has more mega cities and higher population density than the United States. That is the main reason why the online-to-offline businesses are more developed in China."

- Neil Shen Nanpeng, managing partner of Sequoia Capital

"Competition over content and channels is the main issue facing the Internet and culture sectors. As channels become diversified, the content value will rise. Whenever exclusive content turns up, it will boost Internet companies' value. The fact is that in the Internet era, content itself is an access."

- Li Ruigang, chairman of China Media Capital

"Chinese Internet companies have done a good job in catering to individual consumer demands. The next opportunity lies in boosting the productivity of enterprises."

- Kevin Sneader, global senior vice-president of McKinsey & Co

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