CHINA / National

China, US call for co-op in fighting corruption
Updated: 2006-04-27 09:23

China and the United States have made a joint declaration at an APEC workshop in Shanghai, calling for intensifying exchanges and cooperation between APEC economies to fight against corruption.

The declaration was made Tuesday at the concluding session of the Shanghai Workshop on anti-corruption co-sponsored by China and the United States.

It called for joint efforts from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members to create a corrupt-free environment to contribute to economic prosperity and social stability of the Asia-Pacific region.

Li Yufu, vice-minister of Supervision, said China will cooperate with APEC members to fight corruption, especially in the areas of denying safe haven to corrupt officials and individuals, their extradition and the recovery of unlawfully acquired assets.

Debra Wong Yang, U.S. attorney of the central district of California, commended China's important role under the APEC framework in cooperation to fight against corruption.

114 officials and experts from 18 APEC economies and related international anti-corruption organizations participated in the three-day workshop with the theme of Denial of Safe Haven, Asset Recovery and Extradition.

The goal of the workshop is to build on the commitment of APEC leaders, as expressed in the Santiago commitment on fighting corruption and ensuring transparency and the Busan Declaration, to intensify regional cooperation in anti-corruption.

The workshop touched on subjects including the core elements of a denial of safe haven strategy, extradition and repatriation, asset recovery and the return of illicitly acquired assets, mutual legal assistance and international cooperation and anti-money laundering and anti-bribery measures.

Officials of China's Ministry of Supervision said with globalization and regional economic integration, organized and and transnational corruption has been increasing. They said the denial of safe haven, asset recovery and extradition are the major tasks in international cooperation to fight corruption.

They said due to different political and economic systems in APEC economies, there are also differences in legal systems in fighting corruption. The fact should be recognized so as to lay a sound basis for exchanges and cooperation in this respect.

They stressed the effectiveness in anti-corruption drive, the efforts for substantial progress and diversified cooperation forms in the struggle against corruption.

They also called for establishing bilateral and multi-lateral cooperative mechanisms against corruption.

The 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of China, which opened on Tuesday, will deliberate on several related motions including the ratification of the extradition treaties between China and Brazil and China and Spain. They will also debate and are expected to ratify the Treaty on Criminal Judicial Assistance between China and Spain, and a similar treaty between China and France.

