Drug smuggler gets suspended death sentence

Updated: 2007-04-16 14:23

BEIJING -- An illiterate 80-year-old woman has been given a suspended death sentence by a Chinese court for smuggling opium, state media reported Monday.

The woman, Zhang Shouzhen from Guizhow province in southwestern China, was going to use the 10,000 yuan (US$1,290) she earned from smuggling 8 kilograms of opium to Beijing to pay for her grave plot, Xinhua News Agency said.

"I had wanted the money for a good plot of land as my graveyard," Xinhua quoted Zhang as saying at her trial, where she broke down in tears.

Zhang will remain in prison for two years, after which, if she shows good behavior, her sentence could be commuted to a life term.

A Guizhou court heard that Zhang was offered the money by a drug dealer and got her daughter and the daughter's ex-husband to help her, but the three were caught when they got off the train south of Beijing.

The daughter and her ex-husband were jailed for 15 years and 12 years, respectively.

Xinhua said Zhang's sentence was decided recently, but gave no date and did not say if the drug dealer had been caught.

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