HK's most significant event

By Albert Au Yeung (China Daily HK Edition)
Updated: 2007-06-06 17:23

Hong Kong's reunification with its motherland is the most significant event the city has experienced over the past decade, according to the results of an Election of the SAR's Top Ten Events in the Past Decade Contest.

The battle against SARS epidemic and the territory's successful bid to get the right to host the equestrian events of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games come second and third respectively.

Co-organized by 13 local media organizations and supported by the SAR government, the contest was one of the SAR's 10th anniversary celebration programs. More than 100,000 local residents took part in the election by casting their votes between April 29 and May 25.

Commenting on the outcome of the election, the organizing committee said the voting pattern was an indication of what had left the deepest impression on the people of Hong Kong, and the results reflected the territory's ups and downs throughout the decade.

Although the reunification happened ten years ago, the memory is still fresh. And it signified an end to more than a hundred years of humiliating history and it certainly deserves the first place.

The SARS epidemic was ranked second as it left the most painful memory among the local population who could never forget their struggle to revive the economy and put their lives back to normal.

As for the third ranking, the right to host the Olympic equestrian events demonstrates that Hong Kong people view the Beijing Olympics as a major event on which, with the central government's support, they have high hopes.

The results of the contest will be published today in Wen Wei Po, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, Sing Tao Daily, Sing Pao Daily News, Hong Kong Daily News, Metro and AM730, all of which are co-organizers.

Prizes will be presented on June 27.

(HK Edition 06/06/2007 page6)

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