CHINA> National
UN chief calls for stronger UN-China partnership
Updated: 2008-06-30 10:11

UNITED NATIONS -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has expressed the hope that the partnership between the world body and China will be further strengthened during his upcoming visit to China.

In a recent interview with UN-based Chinese journalists, Ban said China is "one of the most important member states with global interest and global responsibility."

As one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, China has been exercising a "global leadership role" at the United Nations and all around the world, he said.

Ban said that during the July 1-3 visit, he will discuss with Chinese leaders global issues that are affecting "the humanity and peace and security of the world."

The challenge of climate change will be one of the most important topics, he added, saying, "We need strong cooperation and support of the Chinese government in our common efforts to address this global warming issue."

China has made "very important contributions for peacekeeping operations" of the United Nations, Ban said.

He commended China's "active contribution" to the process of resolving the Darfur issue by taking measures such as dispatching military engineers and exerting political influences.


