CHINA> National
Hillary urges China not to repeat US mistake
Updated: 2009-02-22 20:50
During the visit to the thermal plant on Saturday, Clinton had highlighted the importance of the China-US partnership in battling global warming and expressed her hope that China would not “make the same mistake” as the US when growth came at the cost of the environment.
“I confess … we got a little bit less aware. And I think most Americans did. And we weren’t paying attention. We had so many … appliances plugged into the wall, draining electricity all the time. And we walked out of the room with all the lights on. Our big buildings would be lit all night long. We wasted a lot of energy, we wasted a lot of money,”Clintonsaid.

“We can’t do that. So being more efficient will take us a long way toward what we need to achieve.

“We just don’t want you to make the same mistakes we made. So that instead of just building more coal-fired power plants which may be slightly more efficient but are still large emitters, how should we work together so that you get your energy needs met without putting more absolute greenhouse gas emissions … into the air,” she said.



