CHINA> Regulations
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General Regulations of World Exposition Shanghai China 2010
Updated: 2009-04-14 18:44 CHAPTER IV COMMON SERVICES Article 25 Customs Regulations In accordance with Article 16 of the Convention, and its appendix concerning Customs regulations and the Customs system to which it shall refer, Special Regulation No.7 as set out in Article 34 of the present Regulations shall determine the appropriate Customs regulations to be applied, as necessary, to goods and articles of foreign origin intended for the Exposition. The Government of the People's Republic of China shall take the necessary measures related to the Customs Annex of the Convention. Article 26 Handling and Customs Operations Exhibitors may carry out freely all handling and customs operations; however, the Organizer shall inform them of the names of those agents whom he has approved as being competent for this purpose and over whom he exercises a control. Each exhibitor must handle his own on-site acceptance of goods and the reshipment of crates as well as the inspection of their contents. If exhibitors and their agents are not present when the crates arrive within the Exposition grounds, the Commissioner General of the Exposition can have them warehoused at the risk and expense of the interested party. Article 27 Insurance 1. Insurance of persons. A. Compulsory insurance required by the law. -- Workman's compensation. Each Commissioner General of Section must insure his personnel and the personnel of his exhibitors against accidents at work in accordance with the conditions laid down in Special Regulation No.8, referred to in Article 34 of the present Regulations. -- Motor insurance. In accordance with the laws and regulations in effect in China, all vehicles belonging to national section or other official participant, its members, its employees, its exhibitors and, more generally, to any person coming under the authority in any capacity of a Commissioner General of Section must be insured against the damage they may cause to third parties under the conditions laid down by Special Regulation No.8, referred to in Article 34 of the present Regulations. B. Compulsory insurance required by the present Regulations. -- Civil liability. The Organizer shall underwrite a group policy covering the risks involving his civil responsibility and listed in Special Regulation No.8 referred to in Article 34 of the present Regulations. This insurance policy shall be taken out with the underwriter offering the most favorable terms. The costs incurred shall be determined on a pro-rata calculation of the area occupied by each exhibitor. All official participants may choose whether to take out coverage from this group policy or to provide evidence that they have taken out a policy with another insurance company approved by the Commissioner General of the Exposition covering the same risks. 2. Insurance of goods. A. Goods belonging to the government of the host state or the Organizer. Subscription to any insurance against theft, deterioration or destruction of such goods (building, furnishings, equipment and other items), shall be the sole responsibility of the owner, and may not be passed on to an official participant in the form of a surcharge on the rent payable, even if the official participant obtains permanent or partial coverage from such an insurance. B. Goods belonging to official participants. Insurance of such goods (buildings, furnishings, equipment, personal property and other such items) against the risks of theft, deterioration or destruction of these goods, shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of these goods. C. The Commissioner General of the Exposition, the Organizer, the Commissioners General of Section and their exhibitors mutually waive any claim which they may be entitled to make against each other as a result of material damage caused by fire or other accident. Such a claim would not be waived in the case of foul play and/or willful misconduct and/or gross negligence of the other party. This waiver should take effect automatically for each Commissioner General of Section as from the date his Participation Contract enters into force. All contracts relating to the insurance of buildings, furnishings, equipment and any other items belonging to the persons mentioned in the previous paragraph, whether they take the form of a contract for the extension of coverage under a group policy or of a separate policy, must explicitly mention this waiver, which shall also be mentioned in the Participation Contract. 3. Other insurance. The Organizer may provide participants with his assistance wishing to take out additional insurance against other risks. 4. Special Regulation No.8, referred to in Article 34 of the present Regulations, shall set out clearly all conditions for insurance-related matters, in addition to those set out in this Article, and including applicable insurance obligations under the laws of China. Article 28 Security In accordance with the conditions laid down in Special Regulation No.10 referred to in Article 34 of the present Regulations, the Organizer shall set up an overall security system to maintain peace and security, to deter violations of the law and to enforce the regulations. Commissioners General of Section may, under the conditions laid down in the Special Regulation No.10 mentioned above, arrange special security of their respective sections. Article 29 Catalogue 1. Each participant shall cooperate with the Organizer as regards all publication, production, communication, etc., appropriate to the promotion of the Exposition. The contents of such material are subject to the approval of the Commissioner General of Section concerned. 2. The Commissioner General of each section shall be entitled to have printed and published, at his own expense, an official catalogue of the items on display in his section. Article 30 Admissions to the Site 1. The conditions of admission are laid down by Special Regulation No.13 referred to in Article 34 of the present Regulations. 2. The Organizer, with the agreement of the Commissioner General of the Exposition, shall determine the entrance fees for the Exposition. No other entrance fee may be charged inside the Exposition without the approval of the BIE. 3. Standing invitations or invitations for a limited period, complimentary entrance cards for exhibitors or concessionaires and employees' service cards shall be issued in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Special Regulation No.13 mentioned above. |