CHINA> Urban Best Practice Area
Expo looks to Liverpool's heritage experience
Updated: 2009-07-01 14:15

Expo looks to Liverpool's heritage experience 

Delegation members tour an exhibition hall presenting the master plan of Shanghai World Expo 2010.

Expo looks to Liverpool's heritage experience 

Warren Bradley (right), leader of the Liverpool City Council, presents a gift to Zhou Hanmin, deputy director-general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination.

Expo looks to Liverpool's heritage experience

Delegation members take a bird’s eye view of the Expo site.

A delegation led by Warren Bradley, leader of the Liverpool City Council, exchanged views with Expo organizers on September 21, 2008 on the city's showcase at the Urban Best Practices Area – "Protection and Utilization of Historical Heritages in Liverpool.’’

Zhou Hanmin, Deputy Director-General of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, who received the delegation, said he hoped Liverpool's experience in cultural heritage protection would provide a reference for other participants to follow.

Expo looks to Liverpool's heritage experience 

artistic rendition of the case "Protection and Utilization of Historical Heritages in Liverpool"

He invited the sister city of Shanghai to attend the third participants meeting set for November to get a better understanding of procedures required and relevant laws and regulations as well as to conduct technical consultations with organizers.

Zhou was also interested in Bradley's proposal for hosting some cultural activities during the 2010 event as Liverpool is the European Culture Capital of 2008.

Zhou said he hoped Liverpool would take an active role in various forums at Shanghai Expo and be involved in the Shanghai Declaration expected to be issued at the end of the event.

Bradley said Liverpool planned to sign the official participation deal with organizers in November and hoped to strengthen business ties with Shanghai.

The delegation also learned about the master plan of Shanghai Expo by touring an exhibition hall at the Expo Bureau.


