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Photographing 820 mothers in 10 years

By Uking (
Updated: 2010-06-09 17:08
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For ten years, Yu Quanxing, a professor of Tianjin Normal University, has devoted his vacation time to photographing mothers in poverty. His purpose is to promote public awareness of this disadvantaged group amid China's rapid economic growth shadowed by the increasing income gap.

He has taken photos for 820 mothers in 267 villages scattered in 64 poor counties in western China. In one trip, he had to trek for five hours on mountain roads, carrying his two cameras, a computer, medicine, water and fast-noodles, China Youth Daily reported.

His photographic interest started in January 2001 when he was assigned to cover a project, as a photographer for Tianjin Family Newspaper, to help poor mothers.

He was touched by a Tibetan woman's hard life in Jielong, a place over 4,300 meters above sea level in Yushu, Qinghai province.

"Previously, when I pushed the shutter button, it was simply a mechanical movement. But the interview experience has changed me. My heart was somewhat moved. I feel they are not the others."

There's a touching story after every picture for Yu, who has completed a journey of 150,000 kilometers in his ten years zeal of photographing. One mother was injured in her arm after a hard search for a lost mule, the main economic source for the family. Another mother toiled at a tile factory, earning 12 yuan for nine hours, to support her children's study.

"I hope people can understand that Chinese mothers are of those who suffer most from poverty. My only wish is that we should help them to live a better life."

As a photographer, Yu is looking for the happy moments of mothers. "I hope the smile is not affected, not because of some leaders' pressure, but from their inner heart.”

Yu currently also works for the "Happiness Project", which helps poor mothers mainly through three ways – to provide small loan assistance to increase income; to eliminate illiteracy; and to ensure mothers can receive timely medical check and treatment.

Photographing 820 mothers in 10 years 

Xiong Changbi earns nine yuan per day by filtering sand [Photo/Yu Quanxing] 

 Photographing 820 mothers in 10 years

Gu Cailian and her children [Photo/Yu Quanxing] 
