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China Daily Website

DBS China launches social enterprise program

Updated: 2012-10-25 20:25
By Yang Yao (

Development Bank of Singapore (China) announced the launch of a program to support the development of social enterprises in China on Wednesday.

DBS China will provide grants to four social enterprises to offer training programs to over 2,300 underprivileged individuals in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu in the next two years, to acquire skills to improve their employability. The bank also wants to facilitate the development of sustainable business models by social enterprises.

The development programs are: “Baby Nursing Training for Migrant Women”, “Graphic Design Training Program for the Hearing Impaired”, “Future Artists Program — Artistic Talent Discovery Classes” and “Dialogue in the Dark — Employable Skills Training for the Visually-Impaired”.

The programs will be supported by the Fuping Development Institute, which was founded by Chinese economist Mao Yushi.

According to DBS China, the initiative is to help improve the employability skills and livelihood of people in need, as well as to introduce sustainability to corporate citizenship endeavors.
