World party leaders congratulate China on CPC congress

Updated: 2012-11-09 13:39

The Labour Party of Malta "has always placed great emphasis on our relationship and has worked to strengthen the bonds between our two parties and our two countries," he said.

"We believe that such relations will continue to translate into deeper political, economic and cultural ties between our two countries and will also foster a broader range of meaningful exchanges at people-to-people level."

Peter, Goodfellow, president of the National Party of New Zealand, said the congress is an important political event not only to China but also to the international community.

"Today, our relationship with China has become one of New Zealand's most valuable and important bilateral relationships," he said.

The National Party is committed to strengthening friendly relations with the CPC and enhancing cooperation between two governments and two peoples on the basis of mutual benefit, Goodfellow added.

Julie Bishop, deputy leader of the Liberal Party of Australia, said peaceful development within China has seen hundreds of millions of people lifted out poverty in a remarkable achievement unparalleled in human history.

"The Liberal Party of Australia has sought to maintain warm and constructive relations with China's leaders and its people," Bishop said.

The African National Congress of South Africa, the South African Communist Party, Eritrea's People's Front for Democracy and Justice, Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front), Ukrainian Peace Council and others also sent congratulatory messages to the CPC.

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