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China Daily Website

Courts beef up judgement implementation

Updated: 2012-03-11 16:54
( Xinhua)

BEIJING - Chinese courts of all levels have stepped up efforts in coercively implementing the judgement of concluded cases to safeguard the rights of prevailing parties, China's chief justice said Sunday.

China's courts dealt with implementing the judgement of 2.557 million cases in 2011, of which 2.394 million were concluded, Wang Shengjun, president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC), said in a report on the work of the SPC at a meeting of the ongoing annual parliamentary session.

"The implementation of court judgement has been widely concerned by the society as it shoulders the important duty of safeguarding the rights of the winners in lawsuits," Wang said.

The SPC strengthened supervision over the implementation of court judgement, and took 24 measures to cope with the difficulties in judgement implementation, according to Wang.
