APEC in focus

By ( China Daily )

Updated: 2013-10-06

An in-depth glance at the economic forces driving the world's most powerful economies

APEC in focus
Click to view the infographic in detail



President Xi visits Indonesia, Malaysia, attend APEC summit

Oct 2 to 3: Pay State Visit to Indonesia

Oct 4 to 5: Pay State Visit to Malaysia

Oct 6 to 8: Attend the 21st economic leaders' meeting of APEC forum and meet with global leaders in Bali, Indonesia


Australia needs Chinese Dream

Australia must wake up from the American Fantasy and start living the Chinese Dream. Australian culture is more in line with China than America.

China and ASEAN to handle territorial issues like friends

China and its neighbours should handle the issue of territorial claims as a problem between friends rather than a conflict with one another.
