China is on the road to prosperity
Updated: 2013-08-30 16:19
By MichaelM (US) ( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)
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I have a lot of confidence in the new leader of China's government. President Xi is showing the world his authentic self on many fronts. From his very successful meeting with USA President Obama, to his short African tour to his current view of China's economic stability, condition and growth, he is showing the transparency and reality of China's standing in the world.
His remarks, looking at welfare improvement and social development is a closer focus on evaluating real life in China. Stats can be quoted all day long to indicate the quality of performance of government. But, those stats don't usually reflect the guy on the street and how his life is enhanced by leadership decisions, policies and laws.
Welfare improvement is the most revealing indicator of true life. Is the average Chinese citizen's life improving or not? GDP is often a trite and inaccurate sign of the quality of life for the average person. Other indicators allow a closer look at true growth and conditions.
Being home in America right now, is allowing me to take a more detached look at my second home, China. One thing that is and will remain undeniable is the vastness of the Chinese consumer's market. The market is enormous. The appetite for goods, services and more advanced conveniences is growing in China. I don't see it doing anything but advancing in the years to come.
The rising costs of housing in the more highly developed real estate markets like Beijing and Shanghai, will certainly come into balance as they are being tested by consumer willingness to avail themselves of such. The market itself will demand the limit at which luxury housing and consumer goods will continue to grow or slow.
I believe that China is on a good course. It is obviously difficult to sail uncharted economic waters. China is facing challenges like its never done in its history. However, with wise and careful leadership that is presently being revealed, it is my sense that the final outcome will prove to shown advancement and progress.