China / HK Macao Taiwan

Mainland vows further cross-Straits development

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-01-27 22:13

BEIJING - The mainland's Taiwan affairs chief said that more opportunities will be provided for the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations with the mainland's deepening reform.

Zhang Zhijun, head of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the remarks in a speech published in the latest edition of government-run magazine Relations Across the Taiwan Straits.

Zhang extended Lunar New Year greetings to Taiwanese compatriots ahead of the upcoming Spring Festival holiday.

Zhang said that progress has been made in the last year, and the new leadership on the mainland has been dedicated to promoting the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.

"Both sides have broadened communication and cooperation on the basis of the one-China principle with new progress made in cross-Straits negotiations," Zhang said.

The mainland and Taiwan have also increased trade volume, deepened industrial cooperation, and maintained smooth operation of monetary clearing mechanism, Zhang said.

The cross-Straits visits have grown and cultural and educational exchanges been enhanced, with a series of forums across the Strait held, Zhang added.

Zhang said that the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee held last November has set guiding principles and basic requirements for handling Taiwan affairs in the future.

Zhang expressed his hopes for both sides to continue mutual trust, maintain the one-China policy, strengthen economic cooperation and promote cross-Straits negotiations.

"I sincerely hope happy and auspicious holiday for cross-Straits compatriots and prosperous development of the Chinese nation," Zhang said.

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