China / Politics

US shield in ROK disrupts regional stability: Chinese FM spokesman

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-05-28 20:50

BEIJING - China on Wednesday opposed deployment of a US missile defense system in the Republic of Korea (ROK), calling it "inconducive" to regional stability and strategic balance.

"China's stance on the missile defense system has been consistent and clear," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a daily news briefing when asked to comment on reports that Washington had invited Seoul to join its missile defense system.

"We hope the US side will take into consideration reasonable concerns of countries in the region."

According to reports, the ROK expressed interest in buying Lockheed Martin's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system, designed to intercept ballistic missiles in midair.

China firmly safeguards the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula, and is firmly committed to the denuclearization of the peninsula and peaceful settlement of relevant issues via dialogue and consultation, Qin said.

China will never ever allow chaos or war near its doorway, said Qin, urging all parties to take concerted efforts, take into consideration the whole situation on the peninsula, and stop doing anything that might escalate tensions.

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