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110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

Poverty is not socialism. -- 1984

As for punishing corruption, we should handle at least 10 to 20 major cases publicly and without delay. -- 1989

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

"Socialist democracy and legislation are closely related.

And that we should create a set of laws, regulations, and rules to legitimize democracy."

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth


110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

He (Deng) did not dwell on what might have been or who was at fault for past errors; as in bridge, which he played regularly, he was ready to play the hand he was dealt.

-- Ezra F.Vogel, author of Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

I met many world leaders but never before I met Deng Xiaoping. Deng is different from the others, he is unique.

--- Mike Wallace , US journalist 

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

He's small, tough, intelligent, frank, courageous, personable, self-assured and friendly. It's a pleasure for me to negotiate with him.

-- Jimmy Carter, former US President 

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

In current China, it is unimaginable without Deng Xiaoping.

It is a case where one man makes a decisive difference.

His contribution to current China is decisive.

-- Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State 

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

China today plays an important role in world affairs in no small part because of Mr Deng's decision to open his country to the outside world.

-- Bill Clinton, former US President  

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

"To the world as a whole, he (Deng) has showed how a country can be handled to get rapid expansion, and how it can make its contribution to the whole world in return."

-- Edward Heath, former British Prime Minister 

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth
110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

They are ordinary people, but their lives are deeply intertwined with the change China has witnessed. They probably would have missed their chance on a new lease of life without Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening-up policy.

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

Deng Xiaoping's legacy remains relevant today. His policies, ranging from the market economy to zero tolerance for corruption, provide the current Chinese leadership with a roadmap to further deepen reforms.

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth
In what is widely interpreted by analysts as a political signal, the president conducted his first official trip in South China's Guangdong province, the birthplace of the country's reform and opening-up program.

Xi Jinping upholds Deng's vision of China Carry on institutional reform: Opinion
Xi's visit sends signal to deepen reform Learn from Deng's diplomacy: Opinion

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth
Many unknown details about the daily life of China's late leader Deng Xiaoping and those of related figure as well as sensitive historical incidents have been revealed to the public for the first time via a new TV series.

Deng TV series lifts the lid on key years

Biography of Deng Xiaoping hits shelves
Bold TV drama on true history earns wide praise Chinese reflect on reform and opening-up

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth


110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth 110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth 110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth 110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

Deng's remarks in 1992 tour to Guangdong

Mike Wallace's 60-min interview with Deng

 Deng's attitude toward deployment of troops in HK

Deng inspects parade on National Day in 1984

110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth 110th anniversary of Deng xiaoping's birth

Life and times spanning a whole century

Deng Xiaoping's foreign affairs across the years

