China / Latest News

Xi spells out key goals for blueprint

[2015-11-04 08:15]

China's new Five-Year Plan (2016-20) calls for deepening reform and opening-up as well as proactively shouldering international obligations and duties, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday.

Companies to get a boost from 'baby boom'

[2015-11-04 07:37]

Children brands, auto industry and property sector are all looking to cash in on the expected population increase.

IMF: More than 2-baby policy needed

[2015-11-04 07:29]

Measures such as encouraging women and seniors to work are needed to boost the birthrate, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Xi lauds child policy change

[2015-11-03 20:25]

China's plan to allow all couples to have two children will balance the population and support development, President Xi Jinping said in a statement released Tuesday.

Official revokes two-child policy statement

[2015-11-03 14:07]

An official in Hunan province who found himself in controversy after claiming parents expecting second child will not be punished retracts his statement.

Looking to a new generation for regeneration

[2015-11-02 08:07]

Following the announcement of changes to the family planning system, China Daily asked readers for their reflections on the end of the policy.

GDP growth targeted at 6.5 to 7% through 2020

[2015-11-02 07:14]

China is aiming to maintain a GDP growth rate of 6.5 to 7% until 2020, without aggressive stimulus, said Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli.

Chinese leaders, non-CPC elite discuss 13th Five-year Plan

[2015-10-31 06:19]

Chinese leaders met non-communist and business chiefs to listen to their opinions on the 13th Five-year Plan proposal approved at Thursday's plenary session.

Party meeting expels former senior officials

[2015-10-30 07:22]

The fifth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China endorsed prior decisions on Thursday to revoke the membership of 10 former officials, including Ling Jihua.

Country's poorest to get a helping hand

[2015-10-30 07:17]

China is determined to lift more than 70 million people and 592 impoverished counties in rural areas out of poverty by 2020.

Couples allowed to have 2 children

[2015-10-30 06:52]

China announced an end to the "one-child policy" on Thursday as it also unveiled a series of policies aimed at improving livelihoods by 2020.

Family planning policy sees big overhaul

[2015-10-30 06:50]

Government will allow all couples to have two children, which is the latest measure by the authorities to fine-tune the family planning policy.

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