China / News

70 companies closed for safety after deadly Tianjin blast

[2015-08-21 20:31]

The government has inspected 275 companies dealing with dangerous chemicals in Tianjin Binhai New Area and closed 70 following last week's blast.

Death toll at 116 from Tianjin blasts, including 65 firefighters

[2015-08-21 16:48]

As of 3:00pm on Friday, 65 firefighters and 7 police officers were among 116 dead after blasts rocked north China's Tianjin.

Satellites focus on rescue and damage control work

[2015-08-21 07:39]

China has mobilized at least eight of its satellites to help with search-and-rescue and damage control work after last week's massive blasts in Tianjin.

Doubts cast over legitimacy of warehouse

[2015-08-20 07:42]

The sons of a former police official and a former State company executive are top shareholders of a company whose warehouse exploded on Aug 12 in Tianjin, exclusive interviews by Xinhua found.

Chemical plants to be relocated in Tianjin blast zone

[2015-08-20 07:29]

All companies that produce and store dangerous chemicals are undergoing strict inspection and will be closed if any faults are found, says Tianjin mayor.

Top Tianjin official claims 'inescapable responsibility' for blasts

[2015-08-19 17:20]

The top official of Tianjin said he blames himself for the deadly blasts near Tianjin port last week and has "inescapable responsibility" for the tragedy.

Doubts cast over legitimacy of Tianjin blast warehouse

[2015-08-19 14:49]

The son of a former police official and a former state company executive are top shareholders of a company whose warehouse exploded in Tianjin.

Official allays fears after rainfall in Tianjin

[2015-08-19 13:41]

The first rainfall on Tuesday since the Tianjin blast on Aug 12 did not turn toxic, said Bao Jingling, chief engineer of the municipal Bureau of Environmental Protection, at a press conference on Wednesday.

Tianjin Port Group denies ties to company that stored chemicals

[2015-08-19 13:41]

Tianjin Port Group official denies relations between the group and the company that stored chemicals that caused the blasts last week.

White foam on rainwater 'is normal'

[2015-08-19 07:44]

Thunderstorms on Tuesday morning made the Tianjin recovery operation more difficult, with an increased risk of rainwater becoming polluted. However, the air and water quality were still within what is considered a safe range, monitoring officials said.

Social media penalized for rumors

[2015-08-19 07:44]

Zero tolerance will be shown by the central government to online rumors, especially those stemming from breaking news, China's Internet watchdog said on Tuesday after last week's fatal blasts in Tianjin.

Parents bid sad goodbye to firefighters

[2015-08-19 07:44]

On the side of the mourning wall hangs a board listing the names of firefighters missing since the Tianjin blast with a sentence that reads: "We are here waiting for you to come back."

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