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Ten important speeches by President Xi (Mar, 2014-Mar, 2015)


Updated: 2015-03-05 17:10:09

Ten important speeches by President Xi (Mar, 2014-Mar, 2015)

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers an important speech during a nationwide teleconference marking the end of a sweeping mass-line campaign, in Beijing, Oct 8, 2014. [Photo/Xinhua]

5. Xi says "mass-line" campaign just the start

Xi said on Oct 8 last year that the "mass line" campaign had played an important role in the Communist Party of China's drive to tighten Party discipline.

He said the campaign had shown that the Party must be run strictly, in a concrete and serious way, not abstractly and perfunctorily. The campaign enhanced the Party's prestige and image among the populace; Party members and the people become more cohesive. The campaign had realized its desired goals and ended with great achievements.

Through the campaign, official meetings were reduced by 586,000, almost 25 percent fewer than in the period before the campaign began. More than 160,000 phantom staff were removed from the government payroll and almost 115,000 vehicles taken out of illicit private use and returned to exclusive regular government affairs. Construction of 2,580 unnecessary official buildings was stopped.

Systems to solidify those results are in place to ensure the effects of the campaign last. In the past year, spending on officials' travel, use of government vehicles, and construction of official buildings have been strictly regulated.

6. Xi stresses CPC's absolute leadership over army

Xi said the army is under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China and the principle should always be firmly upheld.

"The Party commands the gun," said Xi at a military political work conference held in a former revolutionary base in the township of Gutian, Fujian Province on Oct 30 and 31 last year.

"We must profoundly recognize the important role of political work in the army and pass on to following generations all the great traditions which were forged in blood by our ancestors.

"Fighting capacity is the sole criterion for testing troops and military officers' assessment and promotion will focus on their ability of leading soldiers to fight and win battles," said Xi, vowing to tighten the management of high-ranking and middle-level officers.

"We'll never slacken the effort to deepen the fight against corruption in the army," added Xi, pledging to purify cadres and continue the effective crackdown on graft in a regular manner.
