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China hopes to finish Iran nuclear talks at an early date


Updated: 2015-03-08 14:28:40


BEIJING-- China urges all parties to work together to facilitate a political decision on the Iran nuclear issue as negotiations reach a crucial juncture, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Sunday.

We can already see "the light at the end of the tunnel", despite some uncertainty still clouding over the prospect of the negotiations, Wang said at a press conference on the sidelines of China's annual parliamentary session.

The negotiations have reached a critical point, Wang said, urging the relevant parties, especially the protagonists, to make a political decision as soon as possible.

China is an important party to the negotiations, and has made positive contribution to resolving difficult issues and sticking points, Wang said.

"We are prepared to work with other relevant parties to finish the marathon talks on Iran nuclear issue at an early date," he added.

Wang also said the possible impact of the Iran nuclear talks will go far beyond the negotiation itself.

The comprehensive settlement of the Iran nuclear issue will help to strengthen the international system against nuclear proliferation, promote peace and tranquility in the Middle East, and provide useful experience for resolving major difficult issues through negotiations, he said.
