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New law aims to give charity a lift

By Luo Wangshu/Cao Yin (China Daily)

Updated: 2016-03-10 07:19:07


Interest overseas

The proposed legislation has also attracted attention outside China.

"We see the new law as a very positive development. The proposed law seeks to promote a culture of charity, as well as to protect the rights and interests of charitable organizations, donors, volunteers, beneficiaries and others who work in the field of charity," wrote Pia MacRae, country director of Save the Children in China, in an e-mail exchange with China Daily.

MacRae emphasized that effective regulation and supervision will boost public trust in the sector: "Our greatest hope for this new law is that it is a catalyst in the further development of China's philanthropic sector, through both recognizing and encouraging the role that charities can play in social development, while also ensuring that the sector is well-managed and transparent."

Meanwhile, Diana Tsui, head of Global Philanthropy for Asia Pacific at JPMorgan Chase, said the legislation will provide greater clarity and supervision. "We need reputable and strong local NGO partners to help deliver on commitments. With the new law put in place, our local partners will become more transparent and accountable in delivering impact on the ground," she wrote in an e-mail to China Daily.

While charity sector professionals have been debating the implementation of the new law, and many NPC deputies have submitted proposals and suggestions during the two sessions, Li Jing said implementation will just be the first step in the process, and charitable organizations will have to play their part, too.

"The big questions that remain are how to carry out charitable activities according to the provisions outlined in the new law, and how to revise the current outdated regulations so they adapt to it. We need to continue looking into them to find the right answers," he said.

Su Zhou contributed to the story.

Contact the writers through luowangshu@chinadaily.com.cn


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