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Rules of Procedure of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Source: UNESCO

X Adoption, Amendment and Suspension of the Rules of Procedure

Rule 47 Adoption

The Committee shall adopt its Rules of Procedure by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting (Article 8.2 of the Convention).

Rule 48 Amendment

The Committee may amend these Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Convention, by a decision taken in plenary meeting by a two-thirds majority of the States Members present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been included in the agenda of the session in accordance with Rules 9 and 10.

Rule 49 Suspension

The Committee may suspend the application of any of these Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Convention, by a decision taken in plenary meeting by a two-thirds majority of the States Members present and voting.

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