Women should be wary of C-section

The birth of a son for Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and Prince William - through natural birth procedure - is a good opportunity to ponder on the high number of Caesarean births (C-sections) in China. The situation has reached epidemic proportions, and some of its serious consequences should make Chinese women think twice before requesting this procedure. Today, China has one of the highest rates of C-sections in the world, estimated at 50 percent, a quarter of which are not necessary, according to the World Health Organization surveys.
The view that a woman has the right to make decisions regarding her body and her health has led many women to choose the method of delivery. In fact, throughout the world, an increasing number of women have been demanding to give birth through C-section.
"Cesarean delivery on maternal request" is a movement that may have started in Brazil, a country with one of the highest number of C-section rates. The use of this procedure, however, carries some health risks, warns WHO, which doesn't see the advantages of the shift from natural birth to Cesarean birth.