China will announce the annual Chinese character of 2015 on Dec 21. [File photo]
China also launched a voting for The Chinese Character and Chinese Word of the Year 2015 since Nov 20 in Beijing. It is co-hosted by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, the Commercial Press, People's Daily Online and CCTV.
The final result will be announced on Dec 21. According to Chinese media, 二孩(second child), 習馬會(the meeting between Xi Jinping and Ma Yingjiu), 大閱兵(grand military parade), 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+(Internet Plus) and 股市(stock market) as candidates for the year, as well as 巴黎恐怖襲擊(Paris attack), 中東難民(middle-east refugees), 亞投行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), 優(yōu)步(Uber) and 歐債危機(European debt crisis) .