Feng Xin: Beginning in March, you will see China's mainstream media buzz around one word: "Lianghui", or the "two sessions" if we translate it into English. While they are considered China's most important annual political events, what are they exactly? How do they function? And what can they do for China? In this episode of Digest China, we will first take to the streets to collect some ordinary people's ideas. Followed by an animation answering people's most frequent questions and confusion, we will take you to meet two people heavily involved with the two sessions.
Feng Xin: Do you know what the two sessions refer to?
Respondent: A meeting for top leaders?
Respondent: The National People's Congress and the CPPCC.
Respondent: The CPPCC and the NPC.
Respondent: The NPC and the CPPCC.
Feng Xin: Do you know what the two sessions do?
Respondent: To summarize a year, I think.
Respondent: A conference of political consultation, and some amendments to policies.
Respondent: I think it's about the country's policies or power transition.
Respondent: I think it is to address people's livelihood issues and to make plans.
Feng Xin: How close do you think the two sessions are related to your life?
Respondent: I think they are closely related. Most policies nowadays are relevant to people's lives. Pretty much everything.
Respondent: I think if there's any insufficiency in policies concerning people's livelihood, it can be discussed in proposals. I think this is very good.
Respondent: The policies and adjustment have very little to do with the grassroots, or young migrant workers like me.
Respondent: Very close. They are related to people's incomes, healthcare and living standard.
Feng Xin: What do you want to know most about the two sessions?
Respondent: Information about people's livelihood and food safety issues.
Respondent: Pension - when we retire.
Respondent: Education.
Respondent:Is there any way to control the rising prices? Increase our salaries, please.
Respondent: Employment of college graduates.
Respondent: People's livelihood and the country's development trend, like how the cultural industry might stimulate the economy.
Respondent: I'm an ordinary employee, I hope our income will increase.
Feng Xin: So, what are the two sessions exactly? How do they function?
The two sessions refer to the annual sessions of the National People's Congress, or the NPC, and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, or the CPPCC.
First, let's look at the NPC. According to China's constitution, the NPC is the highest organ of State power. It has a permanent body, which is the standing committee.
The NPC exercises the top legislative power of the State. This means it can amend the constitution, supervise the enforcement of the constitution and make various laws. Being the highest organ of State power also means the NPC supervises a number of state organs, including China's executive body, the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Central Military Commission. The NPC elects or removes the president and vice-president of China, the president of the Supreme People's Court, the procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. It also decides on the choices of various ministerial heads.
There are five levels of people's congresses in China. The National People's Congress is the highest level. It's composed of deputies elected from the second level, people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and special administrative regions, as well as the armed forces.
Deputies at the second level are elected by the third level. The third level is made up of the people's congresses in cities with districts as well as autonomous prefectures.
Subsequently, the third-level deputies are elected by the fourth level, made up of people's congresses in cities without districts, as well as municipal districts, counties and autonomous counties.
The fifth level includes the people's congresses in townships, ethnic minority townships and towns.
But unlike the top three levels, the fourth and fifth levels are directly elected by voters.
According to Xinhua Net's latest database, there are currently 2,978 NPC deputies. They are divided into groups by administrative regions and armed forces.
NPC deputies are elected every five years and meet in Beijing for a two-week session every spring. This year is the fifth and final session of the 11th NPC since the founding of the PRC.
根據(jù)全國人大的公告,2012年的全國人大會議將于3月5日召開。代表們要完成一系列會議議程,比如:審查由總理做的《政府工作報告》,批準2012年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展計劃并審查2011年計劃的執(zhí)行情況,批準2012 年國家預(yù)算并審查2011年國家預(yù)算的執(zhí)行情況,同時還要審議《刑事訴訟法修正案(草案)》。
The NPC announced the 2012 session starts on March 5. The deputies are expected to accomplish a number of items on the agenda, such as to examine the Government Work Report presented by the premier; to examine and approve the 2012 plan for national economic and social development and the report on the implementation of the 2011 plan; to examine and approve the 2012 state budget and the implementation of the 2011 state budget; and to examine the drafted amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law of China.
Now, let's take a look at the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, or the CPPCC. According to the CPPCC, it's a united front organization consisting of members from both Communist and non-Communist parties, ethnic groups and various social groups. Most of its members are significant political figures, celebrities and scholars.
The CPPCC's main functions are to consult the government in its policy-making and offer suggestions and criticism over its handling of various state affairs. It also supervises the implementation of the constitution. However, the CPPCC does not exercise any State power and purely serves as a consultation body.
The CPPCC has four levels, similar to the NPC's first four levels. It doesn't reach to the level of townships, ethnic minority townships and towns. The top level is the CPPCC National Committee. However, unlike the people's congresses, CPPCC members are not elected by the lower-level committee members. They are nominated by the standing committee of the same-level CPPCC.
CPPCC members perform their duties by writing and submitting proposals concerning various public affairs either as an individual or in a group.
The CPPCC National Committee has nine specialized committees covering different social and state affairs. The Proposal Committee is responsible for collecting members' proposals, evaluating and then passing them to relevant social sectors.
According to Xinhua Net's latest database, there are currently 2,270 National Committee members. All CPPCC members are nominated every five years, and the national committee members meet for a session in Beijing around the same time the NPC session takes place.
Starting on March 3, the 2012 session is also the fifth and final session of the 11th CPPCC. During the two weeks, the CPPCC members will attend some sessions with NPC deputies. Other times they will divide into small discussion groups.
Some consider the NPC and the CPPCC as two parallel chambers of the state. This is, in fact, not accurate. The CPPCC does not have any actual State power. Even if a member's proposal is accepted by relevant government agencies, it still does not have any legislative influence. However, an individual delegation or a group of at least 30 NPC deputies can submit bills and proposals.
Feng Xin: Zhan Furui is an NPC deputy. He belongs to the Hebei delegation. He is also the vice-curator and party secretary of China's National Library.
Feng Xin: Mr Zhan, a lot of people are quite curious about NPC deputies. Can you tell us what you do as an NPC deputy?
Zhan Furui: I think I am just an ordinary person from the grassroots. I work at the library, which is a public facility. I come to work everyday at 7:30 am and go back home in the evening.
Feng Xin: As an NPC deputy, what are your duties?
Zhan Furui: My first duty is to do research and investigation. This includes two aspects. First, I do research and investigation in my professional area. For example, I work at the library, so I care more about the development of cultural industries, especially libraries. So I identify problems and issues during my daily work, write proposals or bills. Secondly, I participate in research and investigation tours organized by the NPC Standing Committee. I also take part in some regular training every year.
Feng Xin: Are you going to submit any bills in this NPC session?
Zhan Furui: Last year I submitted a proposal on improving the general public's reading habit. This can in fact help better the general public, so I still want to bring up suggestions on this.
Feng Xin: What's the process like, from writing to submitting a bill?
Zhan Furui: First we need to do research and investigation and form a proposal or bill. If it's a bill, we need to follow certain procedures to submit it to the NPC Standing Committee. If the Standing Committee thinks it can be put on record, it can then be put on the agenda for discussion. If you are going to submit a bill, apart from giving your suggestions, you need to have a relatively mature project.
Feng Xin: Like a set of solutions?
Zhan Furui: Yes, a set of solutions so that it will be more likely to go on the agenda. Also, there needs to be a certain number of deputies jointly submitting the bill. If you bring up a proposal, there aren't as many criteria. You can discuss a particular issue, and, of course, you can do it together with other deputies.
Feng Xin: After a bill is submitted to the Standing Committee, what happens next?
Zhan Furui: The Standing Committee will pass the bill to the Proposal Committee to process. We will then receive a lot of feedback from various government departments.
Feng Xin: How long does it take?
Zhan Furui: Usually about six months.
Feng Xin: Mr Zhan, we did some street interviews yesterday. We found many people believed the two sessions are very important, because they are related to our livelihood, the country's development and policies. But, at the same time, some think the two sessions are for the top leaders only. What do you think would make people think that?
Zhan Furui: I think it's probably because people are not very familiar with the NPC system. It's quite impossible for me to tell everyone I meet that I'm an NPC deputy. So, people don't know a lot about us. We really just have to discipline ourselves to research and to explain (our work) to people. We have very limited time to do research and investigation every year. Usually an NPC deputy takes part in one organized tour each year when a group of deputies travel somewhere. Then, people (who see the group) know you are deputies. But during ordinary days, we do research and investigation in areas related to our job. Some of the work might take place quietly and is unknown to the public.
Feng Xin: What do you think makes a reliable deputy?
Zhan Furui: I think for a deputy to be accountable, (he or she) first needs to be politically mature.
Feng Xin: What do you mean by that?
Zhan Furui: It means he or she needs to have a good understanding and grasp of our laws and policies. This is an important trait. Secondly, I think he or she should be a role model at his or her workplace and profession. Also, he or she should really care about society, our country, people and their livelihood. He or she needs to have such a heart.
Feng Xin: Apart from thousands of NPC deputies and CPPCC members who are attending the two sessions, another present group is too large to be ignored. Some estimate the number of journalists from both Chinese and foreign media covering the two sessions to be the same as the number of deputies and members.
Feng Xin: Zhu Zhe from China Daily has been covering the two sessions since 2006. At a press conference in 2009, she had the opportunity to ask the Chinese premier a question.
Feng Xin: What plans have you and your colleagues made to cover this year's two sessions?
Zhu Zhe: You know that every year we have to make preparations months before the two sessions start. First of all, we have to select our best reporters from all departments, not only from News Center, to form a two sessions reporting team. Then we divide the reporters (into groups). For example, you have to make the reporters know what delegations or what fields they have to pay special attention to so that they can make some preparations in advance. And we've also sent all the name lists of the NPC deputies and also the CPPCC delegates to all the reporters so that they can get familiar with all these people beforehand.
Feng Xin: And as a reporter who has been covering the two sessions for quite a (large) number of years, what have you found to be the most challenging part of doing that job?
Zhu Zhe: Everybody knows that is a challenging job, because not only thousands of delegates and deputies are there, thousands of reporters are there, too, which means that we are faced with the same group of people. And what kind of stories can you offer to your reader? Sometimes we describe the two sessions reporting as a media war, which means that you have to fight to get the content, to get what you can get but other media cannot get.
Feng Xin: Exclusive.
Zhu Zhe: Yes, exclusive. So that requires you to do preparations in advance. So this is the most challenging thing – to compete with so many other media, including the foreign media.
Feng Xin: And have you developed any personal strategies or tips for doing the coverage over the years?
Zhu Zhe: Every year, it's about two weeks' time. During those two weeks, you don't have any rest. You don't have weekends. And even you don't have a set time for you to be on work or off work. This is very demanding, so you have to be physically prepared, too. I usually prepare a very comfortable pair of shoes before the two sessions.
Feng Xin: We went on streets and talked to a number of ordinary people. Despite the media's huge effort to cover the two sessions, many people still don't know much about the two sessions. What do you think would be the reason for this?
Zhu Zhe: I think media organizations are trying their best to deliver the two sessions coverage. But, as I said, this is a media war, and media are always trying to get the big news. And they sometimes (may) ignore the calling from the grassroots. I think what the media can do and also what, for example, China Daily this year (can) do, is try to get more voices transferred from the bottom to the higher levels.
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Beginning in March, you will see China's mainstream media buzz around one word: Lianghui, or the "two sessions" if we translate it into English. While they are considered China's most important annual political events, what are they exactly? How do they function? And what can they do for China? In this episode, we will first take to the streets to collect some ordinary people's ideas. Followed by an animation answering people’s most frequent questions and confusion, we will take you to meet two people heavily involved with the two sessions.
從三月開始,你會看到中國的主流媒體都在說一個詞:“兩會”。 “兩會”被認為是中國每年最重要的政治活動,它們到底指的是什么?怎樣運行?它們能為中國做什么?在這一期節(jié)目里,我們會首先走到街頭聽聽大家怎么說,然后以動畫的形式解釋一些大家最常有的問題和疑惑,最后帶您去見見兩位與“兩會”有密切關(guān)系的人。