Hundreds came to the Beijing Red Cross Blood Centre Monday to do the
extraordinary, yet with such a simple act.
They gave a bit of themselves by acting as blood donors, providing good to
those whose lives will be touched by their generosity.
 A young female
student in Nanchang, provincial capital of East China's Jiangxi, lies
beside an array of red roses Monday while donating blood in the lead up to
the first World Blood Donor Day. Many volunteers in the city showed up for
donation. [newsphoto] |
It was part of what
organizers are calling World Blood Donor Day, an occasion when donors can
provide blood voluntarily.
Most of the donors Monday were university students, an idealistic lot
who are eager to show their kindness to others. Their blood will go to cancer
patients, accidents victims and patients suffering from blood-related disease.
But others from all walks of life can donate blood, too.
While the rate of voluntary unpaid blood donations has reached 60 per cent in
Beijing and the number of voluntary donors is up to 1.35 million people.
And as the capital of China, the percentage of Beijing citizens who donate
blood falls below some other Chinese cities.
"Compared with other countries in the world, China also falls behind when it
comes to volunteerism and the need to increase the scientific awareness of the
importance of voluntary donations," said Ma Xiaowei, deputy director of the
Ministry of Health.
Indeed, in some western nations, payments for donated blood aren't allowed.
Nearly all blood gathered for use by hospitals is voluntarily donated, with
networks of individual donors who have literally given hundreds of litres over
their lifespans.
More than 80 million units of blood are donated every year worldwide, but
only 38 per cent of blood is collected in developing countries while more than
80 per cent of the global population lives, according to the World Health
The basis for an adequate supply of safe blood is a pool of healthy, regular,
voluntary donors who give blood without financial or other rewards, said Gao
Guojing, director of the Beijing Red Cross Blood Centre.
According to Gao, the biggest headache for safe blood is the lack of unpaid
"I can guarantee our facilities are clean and advanced," Gao said.
Evidence from around the world demonstrates that voluntary donors are the
foundation of a safe blood supply because they are least likely to transmit
potentially life-threatening infections, such as HIV, to recipients.
Ma also encouraged everyone -- especially young people -- to consider
donating as a public responsibility.
The right to vote comes at 18, and so does the right to give blood and save
others' lives.
"It is a sign of maturity," said Wu Yuchang, a student with Beijing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. "We university students understand
that it is beneficial for our body to have occasional blood donation and we
believe in the technology of the professional blood centres. We want to help
Qin Xiyao, 59, has lost count of the number of blood products he has used
while fighting cancer.
"I've been sick a long time and you can't imagine how much I appreciate the
people whose blood is running in my veins," he said, "I used to be a donor and I
would still be one if I could."
Pu Cunxin, a well-known Chinese TV actor as well as the national spokesperson
for the blood donation cause also joined the students. "I am an ordinary
citizen, I donate blood once a year for those who are in need," he said. "But as
a public figure, I just want to help to encourage people to help save