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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-01-11 09:51

"Kung Fu Hustle" may become top grossing film


Stephen Chow's 'Kung Fu Hustle,' is continuing to break box office records in Asia, making 160 million yuan, more than 19 million U.S. dollars, in its third weekend.

It has still not made more than Zhang Yimou's film 'Hero,' which made 250 million yuan, about 30 million U.S. dollars, but has beaten this year's martial-arts film 'House of Flying Daggers'.

In Hong Kong, it dropped to the second slot with the accumulated revenue of seven million U.S dollars, after occupied the top slot for two weeks.

In Taiwan, it remains at the top after three weeks.

The accumulated box-office revenue from about ten countries in Asia has reached 47 million U.S dollars, and it still hasn't screened in South Korea and Japan.




revenue: the entire amount of income before any deductions are made(收入)

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