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Updated: 2005-01-12 10:11

7th Changchun Film Festival opens


7th Changchun Film Festival opens
Actress Chen Hong

The annual Changchun film festival opened on Monday night at the northeast China's spring city of Changchun, while Australia and South Korea also held film expos adding to the fun.

Twenty films from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Chinese mainland joined in the competition and renowned artist Yu Yang leaded the jury to appeared at the opening ceremony.

This year's festival also marked the centennial of Chinese films and the 60th anniversary of the funding of the Chinese film giant, Changchun Film studio.




expos: a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display(博覽會,展覽會)

centennial: the 100th anniversary (or the celebration of it)(百年紀念)

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