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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-01-26 12:22

Flying Daggers snubbed in Oscar


The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced the nominations for this year's Oscars.

Chinese director Zhang Yimou's martial arts epic, The House of Flying Daggers failed to be nominated as the best foreign-language film.

The visually dazzling film, a critical favorite, was nominated, however, for cinematography.

This is another setback for director Zhang Yimou after the movie failed to grab a Golden Globe earlier this month.

Martin Scorsese's film biography of Howard Hughes Aviator received the most nominations with 11.

Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby and Finding Neverland both picked up seven nominations.

The Ray Charles biography film Ray received six nominations, including one for Jamie Foxx as best actor.

Other nominees for best actor were Don Cheadle in Hotel Rwanda, Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland, Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator and Clint Eastwood in Million Dollar Baby.

Best foreign-language film nods went to "As It Is in Heaven" (Sweden), "The Chorus" (France), "Downfall" (Germany), "The Sea Inside" (Spain) and "Yesterday" (South Africa).

The awards ceremony takes place in Hollywood on February 28. 




dazzling : 眼花繚亂的,耀眼的

cinematography: the art or technique of film or movie photography(電影攝影學,電影拍攝藝術(shù))

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