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Lien's speech awarded top marks
Updated: 2005-04-30 00:19

Leading academics of Taiwan studies gave a collective nod of approval after attending a speech by Kuomintang chairman Lien Chan at Peking University on Friday.

"His speech was full of warmth and expectations for a bright future for the cross-Straits relations," said professor Li Jiaquan.

Li works for the Institute of Taiwan Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

He added: "Lien based his speech on the pursuit of peace and common prosperity on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. He was trying to convey to his audience a strong desire to seek reconciliation and dialogue for the building of a win-win future."

Lien made the speech just before he met with the Chinese President Hu jintao during his week-long visit to the mainland.

He was interrupted numerous times by the warm applause offered by the 450 students and teachers present.

Lien quoted a famous Western saying -- "peace by pieces" -- saying all Chinese should contribute his or her "piece" of effort to the promotion of peace across the Taiwan Straits.

And he said every Chinese should be held accountable for the well-being of the rest of the Chinese around the world.

"These words have shown the sincerity and willingness of a Lien-led KMT party in maintaining peace and stability across the Straits," Li said.

"He has made a "good start" for developing the cross-Straits ties in the future by his concrete actions," Li added.

In his speech, Lien said maintaining the status quo may be the best way to develop cross-Straits relations.

"To maintain the status quo is not something static... to maintain the status quo is so that we should avoid conflict by seeking common grounds while reserving differences," Lien told his university.

"Lien's interpretation about the 'status quo' of the cross-Straits relations reveals that the KMT's views about the concept of 'one China' are changing in line with the real situations," said Jin Yi, a researcher with the Institute of Taiwan Studies at CASS.

He added: "Mr Lien's interpretation is the common aspirations of people across the Straits and conforms with the expectations of the international community."

The applause he received during the 40-minute speech and the warm welcomes from the mainland people wherever he arrives also indicate that it's easy to get close in the sense of national identity despite the six-decade separations, Jin said.

"As Lien said in his speech, that sticking to peace and achieving a win-win future are a historical trend and the shared outcry of the people across the Taiwan Straits, any problem could be solved if people across the Straits can get close through trade and cultural exchanges," he added..

As a good beginning, Lien's trip will help consolidate the public opinion on the island and check the secessionist activities from the Democratic Progressive Party administrations, Jin said.

Jin also spoke highly of Lien's remarks that the historical trend and common aspiration of the people encouraged him to shoulder the historical responsibility in achieving common goals.

"As the chairman of the KMT party, Lien feels his has a responsibility for defining a road map for the party in future cross-Straits relations," Jin said.

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