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N. Korean envoy: No progress at nuke talks
Updated: 2005-08-02 20:40

North Korea's main envoy said Tuesday that his country won't give up its nuclear weapons until an alleged U.S. nuclear threat against North Korea is eliminated, the first public comments from the North after eight days of six-party negotiations, the Associated Press reported.

Christopher Hill, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and chief negotiator for the six-party talks, speaks to journalists at his hotel in Beijing August 1, 2005. [Reuters]

Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan said "differences in opinions" remained between the North and the United States.

"Our decision is to give up nuclear weapons and programs related to nuclear weapons if the United States removes its nuclear threat against us and when trust is built," Kim said outside the North Korean Embassy in Beijing.

The North has alleged the United States has nuclear weapons in South Korea, a claim both Seoul and Washington deny. However, the North could also be referring to other American forces across the region, where the U.S. military has maintained a strong presence since the end of World War II.

Despite the disagreements, Kim said the North still looked to "narrow these differences as much as we can to present results."

Top envoys from all six countries on Tuesday discussed a draft of a proposed statement of principles as they struggled with North Korea's demands for what it should receive if it disarms.
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