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Hu holds talks with Bush; to visit US early next year
Updated: 2005-11-19 20:29

BEIJING, November 20 (Xinhua) -- China's path of peaceful development is "an inevitable choice" based on its national conditions, its historical and cultural traditions and the current development trend in today's world, Chinese President Hu Jintao said Sunday in Beijing.

President Hu Jintao(R) shakes hands with visiting US President Bush at press after talks. [newsphoto]
Hu called the country's development as "peaceful", "open" and "cooperative" when meeting the press after his talks with US President George W. Bush Sunday.

Hu noted China's democracy and human rights cause have made remarkable achievements since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially after the launching of the reform and opening-up drive. The Chinese people have practiced democratic election, management, decision-making and supervision in accordance with the laws, he added.

"China will continue to build up democracy with its own characteristics and improve its people's human rights based on the actual situation and the aspiration of the people," Hu said.

Chinese President Hu Jintao said here Sunday that both China and the United States have agreed to expand bilateral trade and economic cooperation, believing it serves the common interests of the two countries and peoples.

"The two sides have expressed the readiness to gradually realize trade balance through joint efforts," Hu told the press after his talks with visiting US President George W. Bush.

The Chinese president called for consultations to properly handle the friction and problems emerging in the rapid development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation, saying China and the United States will stick to the principle of mutual benefit and common development and continue to expand the sphere of cooperation for mutual benefit and a win-win situation.

"I've told President Bush that the Chinese side will intensify the efforts to protect intellectual property rights and crack down on infringement. We are ready to strengthen cooperation with the United States in this regard," Hu said.
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