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Updated: 2005-11-21 08:40
Rain to hold concert in Guangzhou on Valentine's Day



According to a representative from the Guangdong Cultural Centre, Rain will be holding his concert in Guangzhou during Valentine's Day.

The source reveals that the concert will preserve its original Rainy Day format, with popular songs, hot dances, and sexy seduction .

Coined as a "National Treasure" by the Koreans, Rain's last concert in japan created a bigger wave among Japanese fans than that of Bae Yong Jun. His concert in Hong Kong left more than 10,000 female fans breathless, and his concert in Beijing during October was definitely had fans screaming for more.

Come the end of 2005 and the whole of 2006, Rain plans to bring his concert to the rest of the world. First in Taiwan on the 28th December, then to US Los Angelas on the 3rd February, and then to Shanghai on the 18th March. But on this romantic Valentine's Day, Rain has chosen to spend it in Guangzhou. According to the representative from the Cultural Centre, Rain had originally planned to have his concert during Valentine's Day in Thailand. However, after his company has assessed Guangzhou twice, they decided to hold the concert there instead.

His concert format remains the same. Other than his famous "dance in the rain", he will be performing his hot dances alongside popular songs such as "Nan", "I Do", "Shake Hand", "Can't get used to" etc.




seduction : enticing someone astray from right behavior(誘惑)


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