Leaders of Sudan, Chad OK peace agreement (AP) Updated: 2006-02-10 09:31
The leaders of Sudan and Chad have signed a peace agreement to end increasing
tension over Sudan's Darfur region, pledging to normalize diplomatic relations
and deny refuge to each other's rebel groups.
Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir and Chad's president Idriss Deby pledged
late Wednesday, after a day of talks hosted by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi,
"to immediately commit themselves to work to prevent the presence of rebels on
each other territory," Libya's Jamhiriya news agency reported.
A communique issued by Sudan, Chad and Libya, as well as Burkino Faso, Congo
and the Central African Republic, whose leaders attended the talks, said a
committee of African countries overseen by Libya would monitor the
implementation of the deal.
 The Chad delegation, led by President Idriss
Debi, center, attends an African summit ahead of signing a peace deal with
Sudan, in Tripoli, Libya, late Wednesday Feb. 8, 2006. The leaders of
Sudan and Chad have signed a peace agreement to end increasing tension,
pledging to deny refuge to each other's rebel groups and to normalize
diplomatic relations. [AP] | "The Tripoli peace
agreement will enable the two countries to restore their good relations after
they were about to go into the wrong path," Deby said.
Tensions between the two nations have grown amid continuing bloodshed in
western Darfur, which borders Chad, where Sudanese forces and Arab militiamen
have been fighting ethnic African rebel groups who accuse the government of
neglect and discrimination.
The government is widely alleged to have unleashed Arab militias, called
Janjaweed, to carry out sweeping atrocities against ethnic African villagers.
El-Bashir denies his government supports the Janjaweed.
Sudan has accused Chad of harboring Darfur rebels, while Chad has said Sudan
backs Chadian insurgents. Rights groups have said Chadian and Sudanese militias
in Darfur have launched frequent cross-border raids, killing Chadian civilians.
The deal Wednesday called for the establishment of an African force, separate
from African Union troops already in Darfur, to preserve security on the border.
It made no recommendations on financing or the number of countries involved.
"We will commit ourselves to the agreement because we are seriously
endeavoring to exert sincere efforts which will be practically reflected in
improving good neighborly relations," el-Bashir told the meeting, according to
The U.N. Security Council last week authorized planning for the expected U.N.
takeover of peacekeeping operations in Darfur.
The African Union has yet to agree to transform its 7,000-strong peacekeeping
force in Darfur into a U.N. peacekeeping force, a move supported by many
nations, including the United States.
"It is shameful that Africa resorts to weapons whenever there is a dispute.
Unfortunately, we turn all our differences into wars, which gives an opportunity
for foreign interference," Gadhafi said.
An estimated 180,000 people have died, mainly of hunger and disease, and some
2 million have been displaced since the Darfur conflict started three years