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 Language Tips > 2003
Lawmakers Tour Baghdad
Michael Drudge

A group of U.S. lawmakers toured badly damaged facilities in Baghdad Sunday. The trip gave them a first-hand look at the country's battered infrastructure ahead of a vote expected in Congress next month on President Bush's request for billion, for security and reconstruction aid for Iraq.

The delegation fromthe House of Representatives(眾議院) visited arundown(失修的) Baghdad hospital and apower plant(發(fā)電站) struggling to meet the electricity demands of a city with five million residents.

At a news conference, lawmakers said they are appealing to the American public to help Iraq get back on its feet, after 23 years ofdictatorship(專政).

Congressman Jim Walsh, ofthe House Appropriations Committee(眾議院撥款委員會), said most of the damage they saw was caused by Saddam Hussein's neglect, not the U.S.-led invasion. "Ninety-nine percent of the damage that we've seen was inflicted by the leader of this country, not by our military, the coalition's military."

Another congressman, Rick Larson of Washington state, said he will stress to his constituents the high stakes at risk if the United States does not give Iraq the financial aid. "What I'm going to tell the taxpayers who live in my district is that we cannotcut and run(急忙逃走). We need to maintain the commitment in Iraq and to make the peace as successful as the military victory."

Congressman Walsh said he expects a vote on President Bush's request by the middle of October. Mr. Bush is seeking 67 billion dollars for military operations in Iraq and another 20 billion dollars for reconstruction projects.

Most analysts predict the president will get most of what he wants from the Republican-controlled Congress. However, some lawmakers have criticized the request at a time of growing U.S. government budget deficits and infrastructure needs in the United States that have not gotten adequate funding.

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