Holiday 2010 -- the rise of the "chadventure"
2009-Dec-23 09:46:09

LONDON - Once they've thawed out from the pre-Christmas cold snap, Britons will increasingly be looking for holidays next year that allow them to give something back to their destinations, according to a survey of travel firms on Tuesday.

Demand for so-called "chadventures" -- a combination of adventure and raising money for charity or doing volunteer work -- is on the rise and has even prompted some tour operators to join forces with Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

The annual survey of travel association ABTA, which links leading companies in the holiday industry, also sees demand next year for what it calls x-factor destinations, with something different to offer.

Examples, it says, might be a trip to South Africa's World Cup or to the setting of the Twilight teen vampire saga, Forks, Washington State.

Chef Jamie Oliver's American Road Trip should also continue to increase bookings for ranch-based holidays and trips to less-visited U.S. states, ABTA says.

Demand should be good too for Istanbul, next year's European City of Culture, it adds.

The survey said it found a pent-up desire to visit areas emerging from troubled times, such as Sri Lanka or Iraq.

Egypt, Turkey and Morocco are also predicted to be strong destinations for 2010, it found, as investment in luxury hotels and infrastructure, including more efficient airports and roads, look set to attract holidaymakers looking for high standards at lower costs.

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