Drew Barrymore had hot phone calls

2010-08-06 18:07
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Drew Barrymore had hot phone calls

Drew Barrymore has had "successful" phone sex.

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The 'Going the Distance' actress - who refuses to confirm if she is still in a relationship with actor Justin Long - found the erotic audio experience "weird" and, although she enjoyed it at the time, she wouldn't want to make raunchy calls a key aspect of her relationships.

She said: "I've had successful phone sex - it can work.

"I think it's f***ing weird - it's super weird. I tried it though, with a little success at one point in my life, but it was just a thing you try, like wearing orange for a while. I don't think it's something I could live my life with."

The blonde beauty has also dismissed suggestions advances in technological communication have now made it easier to have a long-distance relationship.

She added to the UK edition of Marie Claire magazine: "I think there's a huge false sense of security in the technology of 'we're always connected so we can be apart' because, unless you have a 3,000 mile-long penis, that's not exactly the case."

Drew also hates the way social networking websites have removed an air of mystery from first dates.

She said: "I just don't like this compulsive, instantaneous, over-information, lack-of-privacy, weirdo aspect of the world.

"If you meet someone, they already know everything. I am a romantic and it scares me."
