Life / News

A growing thirst for water safety

[2013-06-28 08:05]

The issue of polluted groundwater in China has once again bubbled to the surface.

150 students suffer food poisoning in C China

[2013-06-27 10:17]

Food poisoning affected over 150 students at a middle school in central China's Hunan province on Tuesday.

Bianyifang serves up new restaurants

[2013-06-27 09:09]

The Bianyifang Group opened five new restaurants as it marked its 11th anniversary.

Yunnan brews up cups of success

[2013-06-26 09:20]

Tea-growing South China may soon gain renown for another beverage.

Cooling off, the traditional way

[2013-06-26 07:41]

While the rest of the world swelters as the mercury shoots up, China keeps cool with the help of ancient practices that have been passed down for countless generations.

Aiding Yunnan's farmers

[2013-06-26 06:50]

In addition to exports, coffee beans grown in Pu'er are also bought directly by leading coffee houses Nestle and Starbucks.

From the tree to the cup

[2013-06-26 06:50]

Each year, coffee is harvested during the dry season, when the coffee cherries ripen and become bright red, glossy and firm.

GM beans provide food for thought

[2013-06-25 18:14]

Chinese authorities must conduct more thorough and serious research into GM food.

China to ban 13 kinds of chemical-laden health food

[2013-06-25 10:40]

China's food and drug watchdog on Friday announced that 13 types of health food will be banned.

Hooters reopens in Beijing

[2013-06-25 09:21]

The restaurant serves typical American food, including giant big burgers, salads, and chicken wings in big plates.

Getting the point of Chinese medicine

[2013-06-25 06:57]

It was the first time that Nazaaha Ariqah had seen acupuncture.

Mushroom fantasia

[2013-06-24 15:37]

Every July to September of the year, a perfect time when the fresh wild mushroom finds an eager in the fine dining market.

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