News >China

Volunteers ensure clean drinking water

2010-06-21 13:38

The first batch of 30 volunteers from the Litree Company, the supplier of drinking fountains for the 2010 World Expo, started work at the Expo Site June 15. They will clean the 105 drinking fountains in the site and maintain orders at water-drinking areas.

Water supply to the Expo Site has been largely increased since early June because both temperature and visitor flow have been rising. The water quality is increasingly threatened by some visitors' improper use of water fountains, such as washing hands or dumping used tea leaves at the fountains.

Each volunteer is responsible to look after five to eight drinking fountains. They are divided to work on two shifts from 8am to 11pm.

The Litree Company will dispatch about 200 staff to the site through the Expo period.

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